BMK Advanced Corporate Training is registered with Services Seta as an Accredited Services Provider (Accreditation No. 9735).
Institutional accreditation is the status attained after the SETQAA evaluation has found that a Provider of education and training has the potential and capability to deliver quality education and training in line with the minimum criteria specified by SAQA
Formal Assessment: This would include completing a POE (Portfolio of Evidence), not an exam. This POE will be moderated and assessed by a constituent assessor and moderator. Once found competent, your results will be verified by the relevant SETA, before they issue you with a Statement of Results and/or Certificate of Competence.
BMK Advanced Corporate Training will issue you with a certificate of attendance for any course you attend, with or without formal assessment.


BMK Advanced corporate training offers 12 month Leanership program;
New Venture Creation (SMME),( NQF Level 2 ),(138 Credits) and (NQF Level 4 ) 149 Credits.

The purpose of the NQF level 2 New Venture Creation qualification is to provide a qualification that can form the basis for structured programmes for potential and existing entrepreneurs to capitalise on opportunities to start and grow sustainable businesses that form part of the mainstream economy, enabling the learners to tender for business opportunities within both the public and private sectors. This qualification is designed for learners who intend to set up or have already set up own ventures.
Assessment of the competencies and knowledge in the qualification needs to be done in the context of the learners own new venture.
In this short programme we focus on how to run or manage a business on a day-to-day basis. Having a great business idea and getting started are not only going to keep the business growing and becoming more profitable you will need to set up systems plan carefully so that you can keep track of all that is happening and make sure you cover all financials, administrative, financial, personnel, and marketing responsibilities.
Research has indicated that people working with their own new ventures at this level need the following competencies:
Acquisition of an entrepreneurial profile which includes an innovation orientation An understanding of the industry/sector in which they wish to establish a new venture An ability to match new venture opportunities to market needs within a chosen industry/sector An ability to determine and manage the financial requirements of a new venture An ability to match new venture opportunities to market needs An ability to compile and utilise a business plan to manage a new venture and also where relevant, to seek funding for a new venture
Use basic Mathematics in order to fulfil new venture functions effectively.
Apply basic Communication skills in new venture creation context.
Determine market requirements and manage the relevant marketing and selling processes.
Demonstrate an understanding of the sector/industry in which the business operates.
Determine financial requirements and manage financial resources of a new venture.
Manage business operations.
Apply basic buisness ethics in a work environment Apply the basic skills of customer service Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance.
This course explores the fundamental requirements of an entrepreneurial intervention within a specific business environment. Entrepreneurship is evaluated in relation to personal attributes, personalities and abilities. The economic environment of the entrepreneur is discussed with the purpose of equipping the candidate with the ability to analyse the environment in which the new venture is planned.
The purpose of the Qualification is to develop the appropriate skills and knowledge required by a person for the establishment and development of a small to medium business venture, and address the economic, administrative and behavioural (psycho-social) barriers that contribute to success in starting and sustaining the venture.
This qualification is intended for persons who wish to start, operate, manage and grow a new small to medium business venture. Learners attempting this qualification will be equipped with a variety of technical, business managerial and personal skills and strategies to help them succeed in the creation and sustenance of a business. The successful learner will develop a sound foundation for the application of these skills and knowledge to explore a diverse range of entrepreneurial opportunities.
Recipients of this qualification will be able to:
Demonstrate an ability to identify and create a new venture. Demonstrate knowledge of interpersonal skills required in a business environment. Demonstrate an understanding of basic economics within an market economy. Manage a new venture by applying business principles and techniques. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of leadership and management.
The programme is designed for any individual who wishes to start up a new enterprise or one who requires a formal qualification but has an existing business of their own. It is suitable for an entrepreneur who wants to become competent in a variety of technical, business managerial and personal skills and will add value to any product, process or system in business. The successful learner will develop sound foundation for the application of these skills and will be able to explore a diverse range of opportunities
This qualification promotes, in particular, the following Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:
Identifying and solving problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made when:
Demonstrating an ability to identify and create a new venture.
Demonstrating knowledge of interpersonal skills required in a business environment.
Managing a new venture by applying business principles and techniques.
Demonstrating an understanding of the role of leadership and management.


The future of Africa’s economy does not just lie in the formal sector, but within the informal SMME sector too. This is a growing part of South Africa’s economy and requires substantial focus from a developmental perspective.

Following the success of the implementation of the National Certificate: New Venture Creation (NVC): Level 4 and upon doing further research, it has been established that there is a great demand to equip entrepreneurial learners with knowledge and skills at NQF level 2 so that they can become part of the mainstream economy as they set up and manage new ventures. Whilst the complexity of learning will be simpler at this level, the main outputs, requirements and competences of such entrepreneurs are broadly the same.

Sector Education and Training Authority


Businesses claim that their employees are one of their most important assets. This is why the need for trained human resource personnel has increased tremendously. Businesses require effective human resource managers to manage employees to the benefit of the company.

The accredited SABPP Human Resource Management and Practice covers all the important aspects of human resource management. You will learn how to do strategic planning for human resource management and practices, how to find suitable employees for new job openings and also help current staff improve their productivity. You will also learn how to manage employee compensation and administration tasks.

The qualifications are both nationally and internationally recognised and will make you employable and respected in various industries.

Please note: All our HR Training Courses are Certified for 32 CPD Points
SOUTH AFRICA Board For People Practices (SABPP)

For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.

SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389
info@bmktraining.co.za / www.bmktraining.com