Effective Tax Debts Collection
Techniques and Arrears Management
24 – 28 March 2025
Sandton Centre
Johannesburg South Africa

Register Now! Limited Seats Available!
R19, 999.00 Per Delegate
Course overview:
Collection and delivery of the revenue for the Government and the community is a critical role of tax administrators. Many tax administrations are concerned about tax debt management, and some countries’ experiences in the region suggest that the tax debt is growing despite improvements in tax collection procedures. This workshop will guide participants on how to analyse better and understand the tax debt management.
Participants will discuss the structures, methodologies, and processes needed to successfully manage tax debt, including the key role of debt collection offices. Participants will learn about debt management functions, their underlying legal context, organizational setup, and ways to improve them. Digitalization of such processes and reliable IT support have an important role therefore we will address also this perspective.
The course will also provide the participants with exposure to the fundamentals of effective and efficient payment and collections systems to minimize the occurrence of arrears as well as world best practices in treating arrears, including the use of emerging technologies and behavioural insights.
Who should attend
- Strategic leadership of an organisation responsible for establishing and implementing high-level decisions
- Heads of debt collection units
- Tax debt offices
- Accountants and other executives
Course Outline
- Takes a brief look at the features of a modern tax debt collection function and the elements of a successful tax debt management strategy
- Tax administration performance in managing the collection of outstanding debt
The modern tax debt collection function, describing the essential features as:
Advanced analytics
- That make it possible to use all the information tax administrations have about taxpayers to accurately target debtors with the right intervention at the right time
Treatment strategies
- The collection function needs a range of interventions, from those designed to minimise the risk of people becoming indebted, to support taxpayers to make payments and to take appropriate enforcement measures where appropriate.
Outbound call centres
- Which make it possible to efficiently pursue a large number of debts.
- Debt collection is a specialist function and is usually organised as such. The right performance measures and a continuous improvement approach help drive desired outcomes
Cross border debts
- The proper and timely use of international assistance is crucial, particularly the “Assistance in Collection Articles” in agreements between jurisdictions
The principles of successful tax debt management
- Strategic Principles
- Strategic Principle 1: Engage with taxpayers before the due date
- Strategic Principle 2: Maximise collection before enforcement measures
- Strategic Principle 3: Effective use of enforcement tools
- Strategic Principle 4: Realistic debt recovery: recognising debt which is not economical to recover as well as write-off policy
The tax debt management maturity model
- Maturity levels
- Overall themes
- Summary descriptors of maturity
- Indicative attributes for guidance
- Further development of the maturity model
Setting debt management strategy
- Components of strategic planning for debt management.
- How debt management strategy is developed, expected elements of its content and how it is communicated.
- The different maturity levels represent
- an increasing depth of involvement of staff in the development of the strategy,
- increasing alignment and integration with the strategies of other parts of the tax administration
New innovative and multi-faceted practices to help minimize new tax debt and to maximize recoveries
- Technology – new system
- Technology – improvement of existing system
- Organisational changes and Outsourcing
- Data analytics
- E-services and contemporary digital channels
- Payment and debt strategies
- Collection enforcement tools
- Behavioural insights in communication and nudging.
Arrears Management
key aim of tax administration is to attain high rates of voluntary on-time payment and low incidence of tax arrears. However, there always needs to be a focus both on effective management of the arrears when they arise and on preventing arrears occurring in the first place. Areas covered during the workshop include:
- Smarter Debt/Arrears Collection
- Payment Thinking
- Accounts Receivable essentials
- Legal Framework
- Understanding your Arrears
- Arrears Prevention
- Arrears Management
End of the workshop

While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.
For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.
SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389
info@bmktraining.co.za / www.bmktraining.com