Integrated Corporate Governance-Leadership Priorities For Boards
After The Covid-19 Crisis

Currently offered as an In-house Training.



  • COVID-19 highlights the importance of integrated corporate governance, or more fully integrating ESG&D factors into the governance, strategy and operations of companies.
  • The course outlined six ways Boards can translate stakeholder capitalism into practice.
  • This leadership agenda will help companies remain competitive and resilient in the long term as well as address systemic societal challenges.

The COVID-19 crisis is accelerating a shift toward a more integrated approach to corporate governance that has been gathering force for some time. The pandemic has put people’s lives, livelihoods and learning at the centre of the public policy and business response in almost every country and industry sector.

We outline a six-point Leadership Agenda for corporate Boards that we believe will be essential for ensuring their companies’ longer-term competitiveness and resilience as well as addressing some of the systemic societal challenges that have been thrown into sharp relief during the pandemic. This agenda is relevant for any Board or company that is serious about absorbing the deeper lessons of the current crisis for their firm and translating the principles of stakeholder capitalism into practice.


A Board leadership agenda for integrated corporate governance:

  • Align strategy and capital allocation with drivers of long-term value creation
  • Internalize material ESG&D factors in enterprise risk management
  • Strengthen preparedness and resilience to crises and systemic shocks
  • Engage the firm in cooperative efforts to strengthen its operating environment
  • Prepare the company’s mainstream reporting in an integrated manner
  • Adapt the Board’s organization, composition and engagement to these imperatives

Suitable for :-

  • Board of Directors
  • CEO’s and Managing Directors, CFO’s
  • Board of Administration
  • Cabinet Secretary
  • Company Secretaries, Permanent Secretaries
  • Chief Accountants and Accountants

Whilst BMK Training has core courses which we offer on an international basis to both companies and individuals, we also recognise that from time to time, your company may have specific training requirements that cannot be satisfied in a public training environment.

We can bring our Training/workshops directly to your workplace or we will customize training to meet your specific needs ensuring effectiveness in achieving real performance improvement. If you have 8 or more delegates then, in house training can be of a greater advantage for your organization.
Advantages of in-house training include:
  • Cost savings up to 50% of the training expenses with more effective group training.
  • Training is confidential, allowing teams to discuss and work on real issues as trainers will usually sign confidentiality agreements.
  • In-house training encourages team building and better understanding of one another
  • Training is fully-customized for any team, department, or organization
  • For Registration and other Training arrangements,
    contact us on the detail below.

    SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
    TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
    WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389 /