Risk Based
Combined Assurance Training
07 – 11 April 2025
Sandton Johannesburg South Africa

Register Now! Limited Seats Available!
R17, 999.00 Per Delegate
The ‘right amount of assurance’ depends on the risk appetite of the organization. There should be an alignment of control validation/assurance approaches and efforts across the organization, driving efficiency and the right levels of comfort. Risk management is the foundation of the combined assurance process and organizations should establish risk-based criteria for dealing with control failures on a consistent and strategically aligned basis to ensure organizational objectives and goals are achieved.
An effective way for companies to mitigate risk; is Combined Assurance. Combined assurance is the process of internal, and potentially external parties, working together to ensure that risks are well managed so that organizations can achieve their objectives.
Combined Assurance can enhance a company’s profitability and reassure the board that the controls meant to manage risk are adequate and effective. Meaning are they designed and working properly.
This training seeks to look at the role and contribution that effective risk management plays in ensuring the effectiveness of a combined assurance model and provide guidance on how to develop a model that is truly risk-based.
Course Objectives
- Understand Combined Assurance
- Risk Management Integration
- Framework and Methodologies
- Stakeholder Coordination
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Explain the King IV requirements regarding Combined Assurance.
- Define the roles and responsibilities for various role players in the implementation of the Combined Assurance Model.
- Prepare a business case for implementing a Combined Assurance model.
- Learn how to implement a Combined Assurance Model step by step.
- Assess the Combined Assurance Model’s maturity level for their organization.
Who should attend?
- Chief Risk Officers
- Chief Internal Audit Officers
- Risk Managers
- Risk Champions
- Board Audit Committee and Board Risk Committee Members
- Executive Risk Management
- Internal Auditors
- All participants in organizational assurance processes, including risk practitioners
Training Outline
Module 1 – Introduction to Combined Assurance
- Background and Intent of Combined Assurance.
- King IV requirements concerning Combined Assurance.
- Differences between Integrated Assurance and Combined Assurance.
- The Business Case for Combined Assurance.
- Essential Elements/Success Factors.
- Key Players and their Roles.
Module 2 – The Role That the Board Plays
- King IV Corporate Governance requirements for Boards.
- Role of Audit and Risk Committees.
- Role of the Board and Board Committees in Combined Assurance.
- How to enhance the risk management contribution.
Case Study: Application of King IV requirements.
Module 3 – The Role That Risk Management Plays
- Definition of Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM).
- Definition of Risk Universe, Risk Appetite, and ERM frameworks.
- Role of Risk Owners and Risk Champions in the ERM process.
- Risk Registers and the Annual ERM Work Plan.
- Role of Risk Management in Combined Assurance.
- How to enhance the risk management contribution.
Module 4 – The Role That Internal Audit & External Assurance Providers Play
- Risk-based Internal Auditing.
- Risk-based assurance to Risk Committees.
- Drafting the Internal Audit Work Plan.
- Role of Internal Audit and external assurance providers in Combined Assurance.
- How to enhance Internal Audit and external assurance providers’ contribution.
Module 5 – Designing the Combined Assurance Model
- Define objectives.
- Conduct a GAP analysis – understand and map the current state.
- Mapping Risk Information (how much/how little).
- Model Design.
- Embedding into day-to-day operations.
Exercise: Drafting a Combined Assurance Plan.
Module 6 – Case Studies
- Interrogation of success stories in private and public entities.
- Delineation of Success Factors.
- Global case studies.
End of the workshop

While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.
For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.
SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389
info@bmktraining.co.za / www.bmktraining.com